Composition....The 10 Second Rule
Getting your composition right is one of the biggest and easiest
improvements you can make in your photography.
improvements you can make in your photography.
Here’s a link to a lesson that explains the principles of composition.
Last week by happy accident I discovered a great little exercise to help you improve your composition.
It sounds simple, but give it a try:
1) Turn your self timer on
(my phone apps allows up to 10 seconds)
(my phone apps allows up to 10 seconds)
2) Compose your picture as usual
3) Take your picture
4) You’ll now have a few extra seconds before the shutter clicks to have a second look at your existing composition & more importantly chance to adjust it.
5) Move your device around little, can you move your horizon or subject to exploit the rule of thirds. Can you get closer or lower?
You need to repeat this exercise a few times ideally with a static subject and then you’ll start to retrain your eye.
Even as a professional I was surprised how I could improve my image especially when using a smartphone.